OliveTin exposes a webpage with buttons that execute shell command (eg. docker, scripts) on the server and allow others for easy access. It should be used internally only.
Download the correct file from this site. https://github.com/OliveTin/OliveTin/releases OliveTin_linux_amd64.deb
Go to the directory and install the package.
sudo dpkg -i OliveTin…deb
sudo systemctl enable --now OliveTin
The configuration file is located at /etc/OliveTin/config.yaml
Example Configuration
listenAddressSingleHTTPFrontend: # set the port of OliveTin to 1378
# Choose from INFO (default), WARN and DEBUG
logLevel: "INFO"
# Actions (buttons) to show up on the WebUI:
# This will run a simple script that you create.
- title: Update Music
shell: /home/karis/scripts/script
icon: '🎵'
More possible configurations (many are not possible on Docker)
Execute a shell command with textbox input.
- title: Restart a Docker CT
icon: '<img src = "icons/restart.png" width="48px" />'
shell: docker restart {{ container }}
- name: container
type: ascii
- use {{ }} and give a variable
- under arguments type, assign a type for it, ascii only allows letters and numbers
Execute a shell command with choices
- title: Manage Docker Stack Services
icon: "🛠"
shell: docker-compose -f /home/karis/docker/bookstack/docker-compose.yml {{ action }}
- name: action
- title: Start Stack
value: up -d
- title: Stop Stack
value: down
This example give choices to start or stop a docker stack of a docker-compose file. If a argument is given the parameter choices, it will be in dropdown mode.
Icons Customization
The icons need to be placed in a folder in /var/www/[icon-folder]/icon.png. To use the icons, offline image or web address, it should be in HTML format. The size of 48px is the default size of OliveTin icons. Other CSS options such as style="background-color: white;"
also works.
icon: '<img src = "icons/minecraft.png" size="48px" />'
Icon with emoji, to use emoji, need to use the html code. https://symbl.cc/en/emoji/
For example, ☺
icon: "☺"
Icon Management
The default icon folder is /var/www/olivetin/icons
The icon folder of all homelab icons is in ~/icons/homelab
curl -X POST "http://mediaserver:1378/api/StartAction" -d '{"actionName": "Update Music"}'
Action with Arguments.
curl -X POST 'http://mediaserver:1378/api/StartAction' -d '{"actionName": "Rename Movies", "arguments": [{"name": "path", "value": "value"}]}'